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PeopleSoft data current as of: 7/25/2024 7:00:02 PM
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Intent to Enroll Summary

Report Details
Title Intent to Enroll Summary
Description For selected term, the count of admitted undergraduate students (freshman and transfer) by impaction criteria and enrollment deposit status (paid/waived).
Parameters Term
Data Source PS Student
Approximate Run Time Less than 1 minute
Report Created Apr 27 2010 10:25AM
Report Updated Apr 27 2010 10:25AM
Sample Report
Click to view sample report.
Intended Uses
The intended use of this report is to provide a point-in-time count of intents to enroll submitted by admitted applicants for the selected term.
Additional Information
Additional information not specified for this report.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Select the Term.
Click on the View Report button.